2018年5月19日 星期六

How to predict infidelity and divorce


  Infidelity is the main reason for the breakdown of relationships. It definitely affects our happiness. A new research finds evidence of psychological responses that help a person avoid infidelity, one of the ways to cause a breakup and stay in a long-term relationship. 

  The study, conducted by psychology researchers from Florida State University reveal factors that lead to infidelity, as well as prevent it. Researchers followed 233 newly married couples for three and a half years. Researchers presented participants with photos of “attractive” people. Attractiveness was measured in part by the subjective evaluations of single people. The study recorded how long participants stared at the photos. It also asked them to rate the attractiveness of the people in the photos. 

  Researchers found that people who were quicker to look away from the “attractive” photos were up to 50% less likely to cheat. Those who looked at the photos for longer periods were more likely to divorce and more likely to have affairs. In addition, a potential partner’s attractiveness also linked to infidelity. Unfaithful participants usually gave photos the same attractiveness ratings as singles did. Participants who were faithful to their partners were more likely to give the photos lower ratings.

  The study identified additional behavioral and demographic risk factors associated with infidelity. Men were more likely to be unfaithful when they had more experience with short-term partners prior to marriage and they considered their partners to be less attractive than average. Women were more likely to be unfaithful when they had less experience with short-term relationships prior to marriage and when they were unattractive . Men and women were both more likely to be unfaithful when they reported lower marital satisfaction and they had higher sexual satisfaction in their marriages.

  The study’s authors say mental health practitioners may be able to use this research to help couples make specific changes that protect against infidelity. Increased loyalty may in turn prevent divorce.


5 則留言:

  1. 看完文章有種「原來是這樣」的感覺,是滿吸引人的主題呢!

  2. 很棒的研究,找出容易出軌的原因


  3. Good read and easy to understand. Keep going ;)

  4. Oh forgot to mention , maybe a different title would bring out the article alot more.

  5. The results from this experiment are a bit concerning - people should definitely take their marriages more seriously. On a lighter note, the article is well written. It's a good read!
